Openmind - The Largest Online Community Across Nations

Openmind is a social networking service where everyone can talk about their own hobbies.
Through various types of communities such as music, games, actors, everyone can get excited talking about their favorite topics!

Recommended for
  • People looking for friends with similar hobbies
  • People looking for friends who can understand a certain topic
  • People looking for friends to exchange information about music concerts and tickets
  • People looking for opinions anonymously for personal topics such as pregnancy and raising children
  • People interested in participating in offline meetings
Main features
  • Many offline meetings and parties are held in active communities such as culinary, soccer, reading books, etc.
  • Text message for private and secret talks
  • Create new communities and become community owners as mentor

What do you need? Everything is in here. We provide solutions to your life problems. Every human is created very unique and different from other human. This is where we can share our ideas, thoughts, brainchild, and knowledge to others in need. Everyone is created unique ... Formal education, work experience, and life experience can be a very valuable knowledge. Let's learn to share. By sharing we can add more knowledge. So there is no harm in sharing each other. Let's share... open your mind here !!


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